Head for the Highlands

This blog follows our group who are planning to cycle from Lands End to John O'Groats in June 2010.. From conception through training, to completion...

Our chosen charity is Help for Heroes... a link to our donation website appears above...

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Day 7 update

Scotland continues to welcome us in it's own special way.

Last night our driver Steve got a knock on his door at 10pm. Thinking it was one of us he confronted the knocker stark naked.

An eyeful for sure for the female manager who had the police with her asking to speak to him!

He was asked about whether he had paid for his fuel at the garage next door, which of course he had and produced receipts.

Today, a couple of the chaps were caught short on a quiet road with no traffic apart from a passing policeman who "told them off".

Strike 2 Dumfries Police.

Steve was Captain of the Road today and took over the armband from Simon who had put the safety pin tucks back in that the previous users had used.

Someone had told us that Scottish roads were worth the wait. Hmmm....Parts of the B7076 made a cattle grid crossing attractive.

With grit and heads down pedalling we fought our first nasty headwind and into a services. Here Howard prepared himself for the journey through Glasgow by putting on his stab vest.

Glyn fell off again, this time by not applying brakes at a junction until too late and being unable to unclip. Thankfully only pride and his camera were hurt.

Having being beaten through Glasgow by a fat chap on a mountain bike who was using cut through cycle lanes (jealousy is a green eyed monster) we made it to Morrisons in Dumbarton where we were met by the manager Jacqui Stewart and her team and the press. The papparazzi are increasingly difficult to evade at this stage.

Thanks to Morrisons for their fundraising and for our free run through the cafe doing a supermarket sweep with Terry being Dale Winton.

We then had 8 miles to Culag Guest House on the shore of Loch Lomond .  Quite how this turned into 13 is beyond me and led to a few long faces. They brightened after thy arrived as it was idyllic. Simon and Peter swam whilst Glyn got his ankles wet which was very brave indeed.

Glyns chums (the last apparently) Nigel & Yvonne joined us for diner in Luss before the chaps retired to the Loch to talk rubbish, drink beer and evade the police.

600 miles down, 3 days left... Big day on Wed. The end is looking attractively close...

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