Head for the Highlands

This blog follows our group who are planning to cycle from Lands End to John O'Groats in June 2010.. From conception through training, to completion...

Our chosen charity is Help for Heroes... a link to our donation website appears above...

Sunday 28 March 2010

Weekend riding..

Well a tale of two halves...

Terry , Matt and Simon went off for a 30 mile blast , averaging 17.6 mph on Saturday...

Foz and Dave went double that today and the plot can be viewed using Garmin's website with elevation and speed here... http://connect.garmin.com/player/28253063

Press Player top right to make the map move etc.....  All the info that the Tour de France cyclists use...  These lads are getting professional!

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Lance Armstrong...

One of our sponsors, Simon "Stuka" Bricknell sent us this from Lance Armstrong's book:-

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year,
but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I
quit, however, it lasts forever."

Sunday 21 March 2010

Weekend training...

It would appear a great number of the group went out over the weekend with Steve & Terry braving the elements on Saturday and Terry sunning himself today...

Peter has resorted to riding his mountain bike along towpaths (overkill perhaps on the gearing) whilst his trusty steed is repaired.

A total of 210 miles covered plus Simon's 3 hour charity spin class which was 66Km of going nowhere, but some of the views were super...!

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Sponsorship from the BAA

It would appear Foz and Terry , the charmers, have encouraged the BAA to help us help them in supporting Help for Heroes...

As to how we can help each other has yet to be finalised, so watch this space.

Monday 15 March 2010

Dave the Manhole Cover


Dave Rundle always said he would make it round somehow!

Day 2 of our training ride saw us do 56 miles with 3800' of climbing... A bit of a faster pace due to the nature of the terrain.

Terry and Dave joined us but we lost Glyn & Peter ( busy mending his bearings )

Great pit stop in Arlesford where the train was just departing with non Lycra clad people for Mothers Day lunch! Many thanks to our long suffering other halves for supporting us as I for one was good for nought when I got back!!!

Two days with good sunny but hard routes from Howard. Good job!

Tommy blitzed the hills and once again Simon was whooped on all but 1! Wish I was younger!

Oh and lighter, fitter etc...

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Saturday 13 March 2010

Look up the lyrics for "the climb"


60 miles courtesy of Howard... He is our fave! Only 4100' of climbing... Steve, Howard,Glyn,Matt,Peter,Foz &Simon ventured forth and had a fine fat boys lunch at Lasham Airfield (busmans holiday)...

Simon lost his way again using the GPS... don't fly with him...

2 punctures, the first of our rides... Not quite a F1 tyre change, but we have Peter as our resident bike mechanic who will be running classes pre LEJOG, ESP as he saved Simon's arse by giving him
back his back brake!!! With no helmet, a fine move...

Just another 60 tomorrow!

Hoo rah!

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