Head for the Highlands

This blog follows our group who are planning to cycle from Lands End to John O'Groats in June 2010.. From conception through training, to completion...

Our chosen charity is Help for Heroes... a link to our donation website appears above...

Sunday 21 February 2010

Mountain Biking?

Vagrants... Thomas & Howard

Feb 21st Milestone Day 2...

Well, never let me hope for nice weather again...!

It poured down today for Howard Terry and Simon's ride out...

50 miles with the first hour in a downpour. It got worse when Simon tried to beat Howard's 18 year old 9 stone (wet through) son Thomas up the hills for the King of the Mountain jersey. Simon lost.


All improved after we headed out to Bramley and had a cake and coffee in a garden centre. 4 lycra clad vagrants made for a sorry sight...

We step up to 60 milers in March with Howard planning a beasting with 3000' odd feet of ascent.

Just need to work out how the damn GPS thingy works or it might be 80 milers...!

Hurrah! At least it will be good training for LEJOG!

Saturday 20 February 2010

Feb Milestone Ride - Day 1

A great day out with Stephen Matt Foz Howard and myself following Terry and his route round the lanes to Henley and back...
Averaged 15.2 mph which matches our last group ride and is what we were aiming at for LEJOG.
Bit nippy, as in 0 degrees when we set off but the sun shone the whole 50 miles.. Here's hoping it does the same for the ride tomorrow!

Sunday 14 February 2010

Valentines day!

On this, the most romantic of days, bad weather put paid to our training plans. I have it on good authority that local gyms witnessed extraordinary efforts on treadmills, cross trainers and even the odd rowing machine!

The 20/21st Feb sees our next group training ride, places to be visited - Eversley, Bramley, Bramshill, Twyford, Henley and the infamous Remenham Hill!!

Thursday 11 February 2010

Saturday the 6th saw our intrepid cyclists Foz, Dave Matt and Terry speeding or should i say meandering around Odiham. Another cold day, but another 57 miles in the bag - only 19 weeks to go!