Head for the Highlands

This blog follows our group who are planning to cycle from Lands End to John O'Groats in June 2010.. From conception through training, to completion...

Our chosen charity is Help for Heroes... a link to our donation website appears above...

Monday 26 April 2010

Fancy sponsoring our van?

If any company fancies sponsoring our van, presently an all white long wheelbase transit, please contact Simon Ballard on H4H@ballardweb.com

Your logo, our van, all around the country. What more could you ask for...?

Sunday 25 April 2010

2 lads hit the 100 miles in a day mark.... on a bike , not in a car!

'Ton up' Terry bullied 'Fairweather Foz' to venture forth into the
foul weather on a bleak and wet Sunday morning in Camberley. Foz had
stretched his legs the previous afternoon with a cheeky 40, as he had
not been out since the IOW. Terry had done a quick 30 with Glyn a day
or so before.The intrepid duo persevered and headed into the green and
pleasant countryside of West Sussex via a nasty lump at the back of
A comfort break along the way saw Terry wipe out a patch of innocent
Bluebells as well as murdering a local badger (Terry claims it was
dead already!). Countryside vandal. The fifty was made at
Billingshurst where the thunder thighed heroes stopped for a well
earned break at the salubrious Budgens. While Foz was indoors ordering
up a tasty steak pie, Terry nearly got worked over by some local
Herberts (again so he says - that said, he did look somewhat pale and
concerned on my return and had formed a laager with the two sturdy
steeds, which he thought he was going to be mugged for).
Suitably replenished a reciprocal route was followed back. With their
bidons running dangerously low, a pit stop was made at Cranleigh
Police Station where the local Constabulary kindly helped us out. We
were also introduced to the station cat, who was very wary of Terry
(had obviously heard of his badger murdering exploits.He had obviously
not passed this on to the Constable, otherwise Terry could have been
in the clink for a serious breach of the Badgers Act 1973). The pair
made it home to break their century duck. 103.5 miles to be exact at
an average of 14.7, which we thought wasn't too bad.
Learning points:
Pacing yourself is important. Stay within your limits and the whole
experience was quite enjoyable.
Stopping every 25 miles worked well.
Drinking plenty helped. On a cool day, we consumed over 3 litres.
A good breakfast, snack stops and a good lunch all helped.
Well padded shorts a must. Terry's nether regions were smarting
somewhat with his wafer thin numbers (mind you he was loathe to
elaborate on exactly what did happen with the Herberts outside
Budgens). Foz with his new shorts purchase had a plush ride, even on
his razor blade saddle. Bear in mind we were in the saddle for 7 hours.
(That said, an application of Sudocem will still be made!)
Chamois cream also a must.
Our legs felt good throughout, although we both suffered from some
discomfort at the base of the neck. Not unbearable, but noticeable.
Knees feel a bit creaky. Must keep taking cod liver oil.
A good lightweight waterproof may well be a good investment. Neither
of ours were brilliant in the wet.
The hill at the back of Godalming is 'interesting', especially with 70
miles in the legs.
Terry is a top Jonny Banana - but we all knew that anyway.

Isle Of Wight Press... Fame at last!

See the latest from our press coverage. Honestly , this papparzzi thing could be beginning to wear!


Sunday 18 April 2010

Day 2 of the Isle of Wight

So far today on our 60 mile ride with 4000' of climbing we have heard comments from passers by ranging from "speed demons" to one lad 's "wow mum, Olympic athletes "

I can only imagine they should have gone to Specsavers!!!

http://connect.garmin.com/activity/30499298   Press player....!

On the train home we realised that Foz took his safety very seriously....

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday 17 April 2010

Day 1 of the Isle of Wight complete

Terry Matt Foz & Simon caught the early train down and boat to Ryde to stay with Peter and ride the island...


First thing was a photo shoot with the local paper which saw 5 middle aged blocks give their first outing to our Help for Heroes shirts..

We then set off from Ryde for 67 miles with 4000' of ascent ... Simon threw his new bike at the problem... Peter threw himself at the floor at one point with a stationary cleet hiccup! Alas no photos .

Off into Isle of Wight radio where Peter "too smooth" Baker and Simon "nice shoes" Ballard charmed the listeners with news of our ride..

Back to Peter's where a bit of energetic cool down and stretching was led by Terry...

Matt and Foz have issues...

Not with each other, just their bikes... Sounds like Matt has bearing problems ...

Off out for Fish & Chips as we reckon we have burnt 6500 calories !

Public donation

Sarah Miller stopped us in a cafe and sponsored us a tenner...


36 miles in and 2500' of climbing so far....

Nice lunch but have to crack on now with post lunch blues!

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:Yarmouth IOW

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Cotswold Spring Classic

This weekend Matt, Stephen and Simon completed the Cotswolds Spring Classic 103Km ride..  The Safety Bike says it all!

Started out with a rolling ride where we managed to hang onto the coat tails of a group that broke the quite feirce winds making for an easy (ish) ride to the first feed station at 33 miles.

We were met there by Steve's wife Claire and her camera ....

After a Fig roll or two, we re-mounted the steeds and headed off for the hillier and windier parts of the area...

Leaving the Feed Station

Followed by Claire , our very own paparazzi...

Steve a blur in Bibury...

Team changes

Bad news I'm afraid to report...

Dave Rundle has to have a back operation so cannot complete LEJOG ride as planned. Essential that he gets himself sorted.Quite what we are going to hide behind I know not....  oh yes I do...Me.


Good news is that Howard has listened to his demons (children) and us and stood up to the plate to complete the whole ride...

A good chap to have on board !