Head for the Highlands

This blog follows our group who are planning to cycle from Lands End to John O'Groats in June 2010.. From conception through training, to completion...

Our chosen charity is Help for Heroes... a link to our donation website appears above...

Saturday 26 June 2010

Day 4 - Demolition Derby

Day 4 saw Ross Telfer and Rob Hill join us in Ludlow for the ride to our hotel in Warrington. Brave from Ross as his wife is due to give birth to their second child today! We wish them well.

After the customary handing over of the ceremonial armband from Matt to Peter, we set off for an 88 mile jaunt in sunny conditions. The gods were shining on us again with a following wind and clear skies, if not a tad warm! There was a slight pause in proceedings as it looked like Peter might not make it back up.

A relatively flat day with only about 2400' of climbing. we bumped into a chap Ian Frewin who was cycling from Mid Wales to Whitchurch.

He spotted Steve's tyre was bulging and about to burst as frayed so thankfully Peter managed to change that before major harm was done.

Lunch was at Tescos in Whitchurch where we had great success with donations; Karl O'Higgins gave £50, coupled with many more generous donations from others.

After that the major trauma of the day. Ross, a fairly large lad, dented the road by coming out of his cleats and grazing his arm and knee on the gravel. Alas he did not cry like a girl so I have no juicy video to put up.

Whilst Foz tended to the wounds with neat TCP (still no tears) Peter found that the aftershock of Ross hitting the tarmac had broken his spoke of Peter's bike so had to ride Simon's spare wheel.

When we set off again we had a fairly high pace with much time for me to dash ahead and take piccies as they flew past...

Glyn had his mate Peter Clemenson and a friend of his join us from Manchester... they then had to cycle the 20 miles home which was a good effort.

Warrington welcomed us, where we were met by Ross and Rob's families and the honourable Jon Brown who had organised our evening Chinese which was spot on. Filling and dirt cheap.

Now it is dark we dare not venture out as it's too scary around the "hotel"...

365 miles down, 515 to go.


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